Give Feedback
Help us serve you or your clients better.
Feedback helps drive improvement of ADR-Link to serve you and your family or the families you work with better. Please let us know by filling out the form that applies to your role and send it to us by fax (519) 679-4234 or by email to Feedback forms we receive are for our internal use only and are not published.
For Families & Participants
If you participated in and completed an ADR session, let us know about your experience.
For Practitioners
Complete this form for each referral as you close the file, including those not reaching completion and describe case-specific details of the ADR process, the outcome, and provide feedback on the referral process.
For Children’s Aid Societies
As a CAS worker, ADR-Link needs your opinions and feedback about the process and outcome. Please complete this 2-page survey for each referral at the close of the ADR process, even if no ADR took place. This information is collected to aid the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services as it plans for the next steps of child protection ADR in Ontario.